Trauma Nursing Core Course (TNCC)

TNCC – 16 hours
What: Presents core-level knowledge, refines skills, and builds a firm foundation in trauma nursing.
Who: Registered nurses, other health care providers may attend as observers.

Key Course Content
•The Trauma Nursing Core Course and Trauma Nursing
•Epidemiology, Biomechanics and Mechanisms of Injury
•Initial Assessment
•Airway and Ventilation
•Brain and Cranial Trauma
•Ocular, Maxillofacial, and Neck Trauma
•Thoracic Trauma
•Abdominal Trauma
•Spinal Cord and Vertebral Column Trauma
•Musculoskeletal Trauma
•Surface and Burn Trauma
•Special Populations: Pregnant, Pediatric, and Older Adult Trauma Patients
•Disaster Management
•Psychosocial Aspects of Trauma Care
•Transition of Care for the Trauma Patient
•Demonstration of the Trauma Nursing Process Station

Skill Stations
•Trauma Nursing Process Teaching Stations
•Airway and Ventilation Interventions Teaching Stations
•Spinal Protection, Helmet Removal, and Splinting
•Physical Assessment Station

Successful completion of the course includes scoring 80% or greater on the multiple choice examination and demonstrating all critical steps and 70% of the total points in the evaluated skill station the Trauma Nursing Process.

TNCC Certification from Emergency Nurses Association
Verification will be issued from ENA upon successful completion of the evaluated psychomotor skill station and the multiple choice examination. Expiration of verification will occur four years from the last day of the month in which the card was issued. ENA does not offer certification on any level as related to completion of this course.

The magnitude of trauma as a national and international problem is documented by data that identifies injury as being the primary cause of death in persons under age 45. The optimal care of the trauma patient is best accomplished within a framework in which all members of the trauma team use a systematic, standardized approach to the care of the injured patient. Emergency nurses are essential members of the trauma team. Morbidity and mortality of trauma patients can be significantly reduced by educating nurses to provide competent trauma care. The Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) and its constituents have the responsibility to facilitate trauma-related, continuing education opportunities for nurses who provide care to trauma patients.